Your credit report is perhaps one of the most important documents used to identify and distinguish you from others. Your creditors report your payment history in your individual credit report file. Your credit report is then used by other credit granting agencies to determine your credit worthiness. You should order your credit report every year. Verify that your credit report is accurate and that it includes only activities authorized by you. Should you find any discrepancies or inconsistencies, please contact the credit bureau and follow the procedures for making corrections to your credit report. Always know what your creditors are saying about you.
TransUnion: 800-916-8800, Experian: 888-397-3742, Equifax: 800-685-1111, You may also contact to receive a free credit report annually.
Mary Gibson
4/5/2023 09:52:24 am
WHT can't we access the credit union online, by phone or in person?
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